Saturday, December 27, 2014

Fuselage wood finish


Base coat,
various light brown shades

Oil colour brushed on.

Decals and coat of Tamiya clear

Dryfit of tail plane revealed one more area that needed wood finish

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Decalling the wings and control surfaces with lozenge decal sheet.

Covering the tailplane in lozenge decals and ribtape

Painting any fittings that will show through, interior green.

And there a couple of bolts opposite of where the struts attach.

Covering the underside of the wings.
Caution. It says specifically NOT to use decal softener.
However, I'm using the tiniest amount to make them follow sharp curves.
And yes, it does melt the decal. Do not touch. Leave it alone until dry. use extremely sparingly. Practice on a spare bit -and again, -DO NOT TOUCH UNTIL DRY.

A small imperfection. I only noticed after putting on the decal.
There is a bit of a dimple at the thickest part of the wing.
Dry fitting the finished lower wing and tailplane.

Wings done

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Armament and closing up the fuselage

The support brackets are molded into the machine gun as the point of attachment for installing the part.
A little bit of hollowing out does wonders for this..

Painted gray-green.

Annealing the cooling jackets and rolling them.

Cooling jackets glued on and dryfit both Spandau.
They are lacking the round counters.
Perhaps make some?
I will probably install the interruptor gear as well even though it probably will just be barely visible.

Stretch sprue for correct diameter round counter.

Looks pretty similar to the real thing

Round counter installed

Painting the cockpit edges before closing up. Masking the inside is much easier now than later..

All fits perfectly. Ready to close up.

Closed up, time for Spandau synchronisation gear and then top part of the fuselage goes on.

Interruptor gear stops machine guns from firing when there is a propeller blade in the way by synchronising them to the engine.

Spandau LMG 08/15 x 2 installed with chutes and round counters